

英国康涅狄格州纽黑文、中国南京,2019年11月5日 - 先声药业与Aeromics企业今天公布,彼此签定独家代理合作合同,将在大中华地区(包含中国内地、上海、澳門及台湾省)相互产品研发和商业化脑水肿医治药物AER-271。依据协作条文,先声药业将承担大中华地域内AER-271的临床开发设计和商业化。AER-271是临床环节的抗脑水肿药物,开发设计用于医治脑卒中康复和别的适用范围。Aeromics企业股东会实行副主席Thomas Zindrick表达:“人们非常高兴与先声药业在我国联合开发AER-271。先声药业在我国脑卒中康复医治行业一直处在领先水平,另外兼顾非凡的产品研发工作能力和领跑的对外开放协作团队,使其成为Aeromics的理想化合作方。”先声药业顶尖科学研究官王品博士研究生表达:“脑水肿是脑外伤、脑血管疾病等几种普遍神经内科疾病的比较严重病发症,拥有极大的未被考虑的临床要求。Aeromics企业在该行业有着非凡的研发部门和项目经验,先声药业在中枢系统药物的产品研发及线上推广层面也现有较浓厚的累积,人们非常高兴能与Aeromics深层协作,并十分希望在彼此的共同奋斗下,让AER-271尽快造福众多患者。” Aeromics企业董事会成员、因发觉水离子通道喜获2003年诺贝尔化学奖的Peter Agre博士研究生表达:“根据Aeromics和先声药业在技术专业行业的相辅相成,我十分高兴彼此将根据对水安全通道蛋白质分子生物学的科学研究的共识,相互促进对于重特大未考虑临床要求的医治药物的开发设计。”依据协作条文,Aeromics将得到首付款和附加的里程碑式支付(包含开发设计、管控、市场销售环节),除此之外,依据净销售总额抽成从个位到二位数不一。先声药业将承担AER-271在大中华地区的开发设计和商业化,另外得到AER-271在全世界别的地域净销售总额的个位抽成。协议书的实际会计条文并未公布。有关脑卒中康复在我国,每过20-30秒就会增加一名脑卒中康复患者。现阶段,我国每一年大概有250万脑卒中康复患者,在其中一大部分患者将会遭到严重危害性命的比较严重致伤性脑水肿或脑发胀。水安全通道是缺血性标准排水进到中枢系统的关键方式,因而,这种患者将会会获益于抗浮肿药物的医治。 有关AER-271AER-271是创新药物,用以医治脑卒中康复患者的脑水肿(脑发胀),现阶段已取得成功进行临床一期实验。 有关AeromicsAeromics是一家临床环节的私有化制药公司,着眼于多方面处理由于水日常动态失调而造成的病症。其他信息请浏览:www.aeromics.com 有关先声药业先声药业是我国领跑的产品研发驱动器型制药公司,有着“转化医学与自主创新药物國家重中之重试验室”,聚焦点神经系统、恶性肿瘤、本身免疫力等重疾行业,着眼于让患者尽早用起更强药物。凭着优良的商业化工作能力,其关键商品在我国维持领跑的市场占有率。先声药业秉持着开放式创新的产品研发对策,与好几家海外药品生产企业变成战略伙伴,推动全世界生物科学成效在我国的使用价值保持。其他信息请浏览:www.simcere.com Aeromics and Simcere Announce Collaboration and License Agreement for AER-271 in Greater ChinaNew Haven, Connecticut, USA, Nanjing, China, 5th November 2019 – Simcere Pharmaceutical Group and Aeromics , Inc. Today announce collaboration and exclusive license agreement for AER-271, a clinical-stage anti-edema therapy, being developed for the treatmentof stroke and other indications, in Greater China (mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan). According to the agreement, Simcere will be responsible for the clinical development and commercialization of AER-271 in Greater China. “We are delighted to be working with Simcere to develop AER-271 in China. Simcere’s leading position in the Greater China stroke market, their strengths in manufacturing and the collaborative nature of their team made for an ideal partner for Aeromics,” said Thomas Zindrick, Aeromics' Executive Vice Chairman. Dr. Pin Wang, CSO of Simcere stated on the collaboration, “Edema is a serious complication among many common illnesses of the central nervous system (CNS) such as brain injury and cerebrovascular diseases, with a huge unmet medical need. Aeromics has an excellent research team and expertise in the stroke area, while Simcere has extensive experience in the drug development and commercialization of CNS diseases. We are pleased to have the opportunity to collaborate with Aeromics and hope we will bring AER-271 to patients soon with our joint efforts. " Dr. Peter Agre, Aeromics Board member, the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovery of the aquaporin water channels and commented, “By bringing together the complementary expertise of Aeromics and Simcere, I am very gratified we will together advance the development of a therapeutic for a significant unmet medical need, based on the initial insights into aquaporin biology.” Under terms of the collaboration, Aeromics will receive an up-front payment and additional payments contingent on certain development, regulatory, and commercial milestones, plus tiered royalties on net sales ranging from highsingle digit to double digit percentages. Simcere will be responsible for leading development and commercialization of AER-271 in Greater China and will receive a single-digit percentage royalty from the net sales of AER-271 in therest of the world. Detailed financial terms were not disclosed.About StrokeEvery 20-30 seconds someone in China suffers from a stroke. Roughly 2,500,000 strokes are seen in China each year, many of which suffer life-threatening and severely disabling cerebral edema, or brain swelling, and may benefit from ananti-edema medication. Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels are the primary routeof water movement into the central nervous system under conditions of ischemia.About AER-271AER-271 is a first-in-class, proprietary, intravenous (IV) prodrug thatdelivers AER-270, a potent inhibitor of AQP4 water channels for the treatment cerebral edema (brain swelling) in patients that have suffered ischemic strokes. AER-271 is an investigational drug that has successfully completed a Phase 1 study and is not yet approved by any regulatory agency.About AeromicsAeromics is a privately held, clinical-stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to fundamentally changing the way various conditions resulting from the loss of water homeostasis are treated.For more information about AER-271 and Aeromics, please visit: www.aeromics.com.About SimcereSimcere is a research and development-driven Chinese pharmaceutical company with a State Key Lab of Translational Medicine and Innovative Drug Development, committed to delivering high quality and effective therapies to patients. Simcere achieves this by focusing its efforts on therapeutic areas of neurology, oncology,